The use of mobile games have increased significantly over time and this opened a very profitable way for game developers. They are now able to monetize their mobile games in many ways and make huge amounts of money out of them. Today we’re going to be talking about one of these ways: freemium model.
Freemium model is one of the most popular game monetization methods that developers use for making money out of their games. Let’s have a closer look at what freemium model is and the differences between this monetization method and free trial model.
What is The Freemium Model?
Freemium is a business and membership model that is widely used in websites and mobile applications.
With this game monetization model, users are given the opportunity to use certain features of a product/mobile application without a time limit. If the user wants “Premium” features, he/she must purchase these features for a certain fee. By offering these features, you have the opportunity to monetize your mobile game.
Freemium model is often confused with the free trial model. However, there are some differences between these two models.
Free Trial vs The Freemium Model For Game Monetization
With the free trial model, users access all the features of a mobile game/app free of charge for a certain period of time. They get to chance to decide whether they make a purchase or not, during this trial period.
With Freemium model, the users use applications/games with basic features make purchases when they think they need.
The audience is an important factor while deciding which game monetization model to use.
While the free trial model works better in an app that is targeting a niche audience, the Freemium model can work much better in applications that target larger audiences.
A Freemium Monetization Model Example By Tinder
We’ll share with you an example by Tinder to make it more clear for you to understand what the Freemium model is and how it works.
Tinder is one of the most popular dating apps that allow people to socialize. With this application, you can chat with people that you match.

This dating app is also using the Freemium business model. You can use the app until you reach the daily limit, but you’ll need a Premium version when your limit is over or you want to see people who like you.
Although the Tinder application is not a game application, the freemium model works with the same logic in game applications. If you are looking for game monetization methods, this model may be the right one for you.
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