The mobile application market is growing every day. The number of people working and investing to gain an important place in the mobile application market continues to increase. But most of these people often ignore one thing: usability testing.
So what is mobile app usability testing? Why is it important? Let’s continue!
What is Mobile App Usability Testing?
Usually, a mobile application is checked for functionality and then launched immediately. Companies often only consider their own tastes and expectations before launching their mobile applications. However, generally, users don’t give a second chance to an application if they don’t adopt it the first time they use it. Therefore, applications should be tested and updated regularly to avoid losing user loyalty.

Creating an app that is free from errors and works properly on different platforms is very important in many respects, especially for user loyalty. A detailed test can lead both companies and individual users to get more efficiency from mobile applications.
Mobile applications need to be tested for different operating systems, different GSM operators and different types of mobile devices. Because smart devices differ in memory, connectivity, interface standards and etc.
In general, mobile applications are subjected to 6 usability tests.
What Are The Types Of Mobile App Usability Tests?
Mobile App Functional Testing
In functionality tests, it is measured whether the application can meet the needs. These tests determine whether the mobile application is functional.
Mobile App Performance Testing
Performance tests are performed to check how the application works under certain conditions, such as low battery, limited memory and etc.
Memory Leakage Testing
Memory leakage tests are performed to measure the consistency of the application in memory usage. When and to what extent an application uses device memory is an important detail in terms of both battery life and device speed.
Laboratory Testing
Laboratory tests check if the application is working properly in different GSM operators and different network connections. It is so important that mobile applications work the same way in any connection condition.
Mobile Interrupt Testing
Interrupt tests examine the process in which the basic functions of the mobile device such as call and SMS are activated and the application stops working. When restarted, they test whether the application is functioning properly again.
Mobile App Installation Testing
Installation tests are carried out to identify and prevent the difficulties that users may experience while installing the application on their mobile devices.
With these tests, it is possible to understand which features of an application need more detailed study and development. Once the application is completely ready and takes its place in the markets, you need to update it regularly taking the feedbacks of your users into consideration.
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