Pinterest Revenue and Usage Statistics (2024)

Company Overview

PlatformsiOS, Android, Web, Tablet
Founded DateJanuary 2010
FoundersEvan Sharp, Paul Sciarra
Legal Company NamePinterest, Inc.
HeadquarterSan Francisco, CA
Crunchbase ProfileProfile Link
Google PlayStore Link
App StoreStore Link

Pinterest Usage and Downloads Statistics (2024)

Pinterest monthly active users increased 11% year-over-year to 498 million in Q4 2023. (Pinterest)

  • Europe ranked number one among the regions based on Pinterest’s monthly active user size with 135 million users as of the fourth quarter of 2023.
  • Pinterest broke the daily download record with 680,000 downloads across Google Play and App Store, following the iOS 14 release, as iOS 14 users search for home screen design ideas. 
  • On 21 September 2020, Pinterest climbed to No.1 in the Lifestyle category on the App Store. (Mobile Marketing Reads)
  • 85% of Pinterest users use the app to go to start a new project. (Pinterest)
  • 98% of users tries new things they found on Pinterest (Nielsen)
  • 89% of Pinners use the app to get purchase inspiration. (Pinterest)
  • Gen Z using Pinterest increased by 50% year-over-year as of July 2020 to search for social good, future growth, beauty inspiration, and wardrobe ideas. Increase in the usage of Pinterest among Millennials was 36% year-on-year, for the same time period. Millennials mostly preferred Pinterest for life skills, tips for adjusting the new normal, and family-friendly ideas. (Pinterest Newsroom)

Pinterest Revenue Statistics (2024)

Pinterest revenue for Q4 2023 grew 12% year-over-year to $ 981 million. The GAAP net loss was $36 million and the adjusted EBITDA was $365 million for the quarter.

  • Pinterest revenue for the full year 2023 was $3.05 billion, up 9% from 2022’s $2.8 billion revenue.
  • For Q1 2024, Pinterest expects its revenue to be in the range of $690 million to $705 million, representing 15-17% growth YoY.
  • In December 2021, Pinterest announced the acquisition of the video creation and editing app Vochi.
  • Pinterest’s global average revenue per user (ARPU) was $2 in Q4 2023, up 2% year-over-year. ARPU in the US and Canada was $8.07 in Q4.
  • The company ended 2023 with a global ARPU of $6.44. ARPU in the United States and Canada for the full year was $25.52.


What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a very popular idea sharing and discovery platform where users can find inspirations about almost all areas of life from home decoration to office elegance and recipes. 

Pinterest users are provided a home feed where they can find Pins from the boards, people, and topics they follow. Via Pinterest home feed, users can also get Pin suggestions according to their recent activity. 

Pins are the bookmarks that Pinterest users use to save an idea they like. The users can also search for other Pins by searching to find more ideas. It is also allowed to send a Pin directly to a friend or to a group.  

What is Pinterest used for?

Pinterest is used for both business and personal purposes. 

From a personal perspective, it is preferred to explore new ideas to form a habit by discovering the best practices, tutorials and how-to’s, learn a recipe, or discover stories from other people for trend hunting, and more. It is also considered as a good social media channel to become a worldwide curator. People on Pinterest share their own visual content to share them with the world.   

From a business perspective, it is preferable to increase personal brand recognition, showcase products, engage with thought leaders, and more. Especially to increase global presence, reach out target audience, and find potential customers, Pinterest can be an alternative channel. 

What is a Pinterest board?

A Pinterest board is the place where the Saved Pins live. A board can be private or public according to a user’s privacy preferences. Users can both follow other Pinterest boards or create their own by giving unique names. 

A group board, as its name suggests, allows users to share ideas with friends, family, and colleagues. An owner of a group board can invite people from Pinterest to collaborate on the board. It is also allowed to sort a group to see the ideas most important to a group member. 

Can others see what you search on Pinterest?

If you haven’t Pinned something that you want to keep private, it is not allowed others to see what you search on Pinterest. 

Pinterest says search engines like Google can crawl and show users’ boards and profiles in search results. However, users can update their search privacy if they don’t want to appear in search results. After choosing the option “Hide your profile from search engines” from Settings, search engines exclude your boards and profile but if someone saves your Pin before making this setting, it can still appear in the results. To avoid this, you can either change your name or make your boards secret. 

What is Pinterest for Business?

Pinterest Business is a marketing channel where business owners, marketers, and entrepreneurs can engage with their audience, showcase their products, services, and ideas, and reach their other marketing goals. 

Used by millions of Pinners worldwide, Pinterest is one of the most used platforms that people prefer before making a purchase decision or trying new things. 

The most common industries preferring Pinterest for Business includes Beauty, Entertainment, Food & Beverage, Travel, Luxury, and Shopping. Businesses consider Pinterest Business to generate app installs, increase brand awareness, boost online and offline sales, and drive conversions. 

Brands from North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and South and Central America get benefits from Pinterest Business to reach their target audience.  Estee Lauder, Toyota, Absolut Lime, Etsy, and IKEA are among the well-known customers of Pinterest Business. 

Written by Jordan Bevan


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