Social media is more popular than ever, and billions of people use social media every single day. We have mentioned the importance of social media for mobile marketing many times before.
Staying up to date is one of the most important requirements while using social media. You need to share your posts considering the current image&video sizes when using social media for your mobile application or for other reasons.
In this article, we will share with you the current image and video sizes of the most used social media platforms. Let’s start.

Profile photo: 180×180 px
Must be at least 180×180 pixels.
Photos appear on the main page at 170×170 pixels.
Thumbnails appear as 32×32 pixels.
It appears as 128×128 pixels on smartphones.
Cover photo: 820 x 312 px
It appears as 820 x 312 pixels. When less, the image is stretched to such dimensions.
Must be at least 400 x 150 pixels.
Appears as 640 x 360 pixels on smartphones.
It should be uploaded as RGB or JPG with less than 100 KB for the best results.
PNG is the best format for images that have a logo or text.
Shared images: 1200 x 630
The recommended size is 1200 x 630 pixels.
Images in the stream can be up to 470 pixels in width and 504 pixels in height.
Shared links: 1200 x 628
The recommended size is 1200 x 628 pixels.
Square photographs must be minimum 54 x 154 pixels in the stream and 116 x 116 pixels on page.
Rectangular photographs must be minimum 470 x 246 pixels in-stream and 484 x 252 pixels on page.
Featured images: 1200 x 717 px
It will appear on your page as 843 x 504 pixels.
Event image: 1920 x 1080 px
It will appear in the stream as 470 x 174.
Facebook Business Page Profile Photo: 180 x 180 px
Must be at least 180 x 180 pixels.
It appears on the desktop as 170 x 170 and 128 x 128 on smartphones.
Thumbnails appear as 32 x 32 pixels.

Profile photo: 400 x 400 px
Sizes between 400 x 400 and 20,000 x 20,000 pixels are recommended.
Minimum 200 x 200 pixels.
The file size can be up to 10 GB.
Only JPG, GIF and PNG files are available.
Business Page Image Sizes
Cover image: 1536 x 768
The recommended size is 1536 x 768 pixels.
The minimum size is 1192 x 220 pixels.
The maximum file size is 4 MB.
The image appears as 1400 x 425 pixels.
Standard logo: 300 x 300
The recommended size is 300 x 300 pixels.
The file size can be up to 4 MB.
PNG, JPG and GIF files are available.
Business Banner Image: 646 x 220 (Minimum)
Must be at least 646 x 220 pixels.
Maximum size is 2 MB.
It can be PNG, JPG or GIF.
Banner image is the newest type of image you can use on LinkedIn. These images are visible when users visit your page. It will be actively viewed by people who are actively looking for your page, so try to maintain this interest by selecting a nice image.
Hero image: 1128 x 376
Must be minimum 1128 x 376 pixels.
Maximum size is 2 MB.
This image placed on top of the page is the largest image on LinkedIn. You can use this gap to attract employees to your company.
Square logo: 60 x 60
It is 60 x 60 pixels, but other sizes are also adapted to this size.
Maximum size is 2 MB.
PNG, JPG and GIF are available.
This image will appear when your company is searched, so choosing an image that easily identifies your company makes it easier for your customers to decide which of the results they will click.

Channel Profile Photo: 800 x 800
The recommended size is 800 x 800 pixels.
It appears as 98 x 98 pixels.
JPG, GIF, BMP or PNG files can be used.
Channel Cover Photo: 2560 x 1440
Tablet size: 1855 x 423
Mobile size: 1546 x 423
TV size: 2560 x 1440
Desktop size: 2560 x 423
People use many different platforms to browse YouTube, so it’s important that your photos are optimized for each platform.
Videos : 1280 x 720
They should be in 16: 9 ratio.
Your images must have at least 1280 x 720 pixels to be viewed in Full HD.

Profile photo: 110 x 110
It appears as 110 x 110 pixels on the main page.
It is recommended to have square photos.
Photo thumbnail: 161 x 161
Thumbnails appear on the main page as 161 x 161 pixels.
The thumbnail appears as a square photo.
Photo size: 1080 x 1080
Instagram image sizes have been increased to 1080 x 1080 pixels, but are proportional to 612 x 612 pixels.
Appears as 510 x 510 pixels in the stream.
Instagram Stories: 1080 x 1920
The recommended size is 1080 x 1920.
Minimum size is 600 x 1067.
The aspect ratio is 9:16 and the maximum file size is 4GB.

Profile photo: 400 x 400
The image must be square.
The recommended size is 400 x 400 pixels.
Appears as 200 x 200 pixels.
The maximum file size is 100 KB.
It can be JPG, GIF, or PNG.
Cover photo: 1500 x 500
The recommended size is 1500 x 500 pixels.
The maximum file size is 10 MB.
It can be JPG, GIF, or PNG.
Photos in the stream: 440 x 220
It must be at least 440 x 220 pixels.
It can be up to 1024 x 512 pixels.
Appears as 506 x 253 pixels in stream.
The maximum filesize for photos is 5 MB and for gifs is 3 MB.

Profile photo: 165 x 165
It appears as 165 x 165 pixels on the main page.
In other places, the profile photo appears as 32 x 32 pixels.
Maximum size is 10 MB.
Board Images: 222 x 150
The large thumbnails are 220 x 150 pixels and the small thumbnails are 55 x 55 pixels.
Creating a board is one of the best things you can do on Pinterest. For this reason, it is important to share an image with the right size. Try to choose images that will appeal to your audience.
Pin Sizes: 236 pixels in width
The pins on the main page and the dashboard appear as 238 pixels, the height is adjusted.
The magnified pins must have a width of at least 600 pixels, the height is adjusted.

Profile photo: 128 x 128 pixels
Must be at least 128 x 128 pixels.
It can be JPG, GIF, PNG or BMP.
The thumbnail size is 64 x 64 pixels and appears next to your post in the stream.
It also appears next to the follow button when someone sees your page. Your profile photo will also appear on your Tumblr profile, and the size of the visible image is determined by the theme you choose.
Some brands prefer large visuals for profile photos, while others add smaller ones. You need to pay attention to the minimum sizes.
Shared Images: 500 x 750
Images can be up to 1280 x 1920 pixels and appear as 500 x 750 in the stream.
The maximum file size is 10 MB.
GIFs must be less than 1 MB and can be maximum of 500 pixels.
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