77% of players make in-app purchases within 14 days of downloading a game -Unity

Image Source: Unity

A new report from Unity has revealed that the majority (77%) of players who have ever converted to in-app purchases did so within the first two weeks of downloading a mobile game.

‘’Knowing this, players who haven’t made an in-game purchase in their first 14 days should be considered prime candidates for alternative methods of monetization, and can be segmented to view ads or offerwall,’’ the company said.

According to The 2023 Mobile Growth and Monetization Report, the ideal price range for converting customers is between $1.01 and $5.00. However, the company also highlights the significance of determining which types of in-app purchases bring the most revenue.

Per report, in-game events, limited-time sales and game bundles drive the majority of IAP revenue on both Android and iOS.

Image Source Unity

The report also comes with suggestions for developers who monetize their mobile games with in-app advertising (IAA). Unity said that it is crucial to run ads in prominent areas within the gameplay in order to maximize the visibility and performance of ad campaigns.

According to the report, mobile gamers are most likely to interact with rewarded ads placed in between game levels, in the IAP purchase store, and in the lobby/pre-levels.

And the types of rewarded video ads that were found to bring the most engagement include those that offer extra rewards (20%), in-game currencies (14%), and gacha mechanics (13%).

Image Source Unity

Meanwhile, instead of relying on in-app purchases and in-app advertising only, Unity also recommends mobile game developers to diversify their revenue by adopting various monetization approaches such as offerwalls, which let them list multiple rewarded ads.

According to the report, offerwalls account for 33% of total ad revenue of games that utilize these ads in addition to other monetization strategies.

You can check out Unity’s 2023 Mobile Growth and Monetization report for more information.

Written by Tuna Cetin


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