Google, Meta, Twitter to face tougher online content rules in Europe

Image Source: Reuters

Tech giant Google and social media companies Meta and Twitter will be subject to tougher online content rules in Europe since their most recent monthly user counts are above the threshold set by EU authorities, as reported by Reuters.

According to the Digital Services Act, also known as DSA, companies which have over 45 million users in Europe are labelled as ‘’very large online platforms’’, and will be subject to various obligations including wide-ranging annual assessments of the risks for online harms on their platforms, risk mitigation measures and independent auditing.

The DSA rules went into force on November 16, and the European Commission had told online platforms and search engines to report their monthly active users until February 17. Very large platforms and search engines will be required to comply with these new rules within the next four months.

Twitter said that, based on its estimation of the last 45 days, it currently has an average of 100.9 million monthly users in Europe.

Meta said that it has an average of 255 million monthly active Facebook users in Europe and an average of 250 million Instagram users in the second half of last year.

Google’s parent company Alphabet revealed both the number of user accounts and the number of signed-out recipients, as its services are available no matter if they’re signed in or signed out.

Below you can see the average number of Google’s signed-in monthly active users in Europe at each of its services.

  • YouTube: 401.7 million
  • Google Search: 332 million
  • Google Maps: 278.6 million
  • Google Play: 274.6 million
  • Google Shopping: 74.9 million

Meanwhile, in order to comply with the upcoming Digital Markets Act rules, tech giant Apple is also reportedly planning to allow third-party app stores and sideloading on iOS in Europe.

Written by Tuna Cetin


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