The Best Apps to Control Screen Time

As mobile devices increasingly dominate our daily routines, the need for effective screen time management has become crucial for both individuals and families. Excessive screen time has been linked to various issues such as decreased productivity, eye strain, sleep problems, and a decline in real-world social interactions. For parents, managing their children’s screen time is even more important, as they seek to balance learning and entertainment while limiting exposure to inappropriate content. Fortunately, there are numerous screen time apps designed to help users monitor and control their device usage.

Whether you want to set boundaries for your own screen time, limit your child’s app usage, or maintain focus at work, the right app can make a big difference. In this article, we’ll explore the best screen time apps, highlighting their key features and overall effectiveness.

One Sec

Price: Free / In-App Purchases: Up to $20

One Sec is an innovative screen time management app designed to help users gain more control over their digital habits by introducing intentional pauses before accessing certain apps. Instead of abruptly blocking access, One Sec prompts users with a brief breathing exercise or a mindfulness pause each time they attempt to open distracting apps. This small delay helps break the habit of mindlessly scrolling and gives users the opportunity to reconsider whether they really want to open the app. It integrates seamlessly with popular social media platforms, ensuring that users can make more mindful choices about their screen time. One Sec stands out as a tool that promotes focus and intentionality, making it ideal for users who want to reduce digital distractions without resorting to strict app-blocking measures.

One Sec on the App Store

One Sec on Google Play


Price: Free / In-App Purchases: Up to $199

Freedom is one of the best apps that control screen time designed to help users regain control over their digital lives by blocking distractions across multiple devices. With Freedom, users can schedule blocks of time where access to websites, apps, or even the entire internet is restricted, allowing them to focus on work, study, or personal time without interruptions. One of the app’s standout features is its cross-device capability, meaning users can sync their blocking sessions across smartphones, tablets, and computers, creating a cohesive, distraction-free environment. 

Freedom also allows for customized blocklists, so users can choose exactly which apps or websites to restrict based on their individual needs. Whether it’s social media, streaming services, or gaming platforms, Freedom makes it easy to tailor the experience. The app even offers recurring block sessions, letting users set up daily or weekly schedules to build consistent digital habits. By reducing distractions, Freedom helps users improve productivity, enhance focus, and reclaim valuable time that might otherwise be lost to mindless scrolling or online browsing. The app’s versatility and ease of use make it an ideal solution for those who need help managing screen time while maintaining control over their digital environment, providing a structured yet flexible way to stay focused and achieve personal or professional goals.

Freedom on the App Store

Freedom on Google Play

Also Read: The Best Parental Control Apps for iPad

Also Read: The Best Parental Control Apps for iPhone


Price: 7-day free trial / Monthly Subscriptions: Up to $15.99 / Annual Subscriptions: Up to $119.9

Canopy is a screen time app designed with a strong focus on digital wellness, particularly for families and young users. It offers advanced content filtering and screen time management tools to help parents guide their children’s online experience in a safe and healthy way. Unlike traditional parental control apps, Canopy uses real-time filtering powered by AI to block explicit or harmful content across websites and apps, ensuring that inappropriate material never reaches the device in the first place. One of Canopy’s standout features is its ability to work across multiple platforms, including mobile devices and computers, allowing parents to monitor and set screen time limits on various types of content seamlessly. 

With the flexibility to set daily usage limits, scheduled downtime, and restricted access to specific apps or websites, parents can foster healthier digital habits for their kids without completely cutting off access to technology. Canopy also offers real-time alerts and usage reports, helping parents stay informed about how their children are using their devices and enabling them to adjust settings as needed. Additionally, the app encourages balanced usage by promoting device-free activities and breaks, which helps children stay focused on schoolwork, hobbies, and other offline activities. 

Canopy on the App Store

Canopy on Google Play


Price: Free / In-App Purchases: Up to $20

ScreenZen is one of the best screen time apps that focuses on helping users regain control over their digital habits by reducing distractions and promoting mindfulness. Designed for both individuals and families, ScreenZen empowers users to set personalized limits on app usage, schedule device-free periods, and track screen time patterns to develop healthier relationships with their devices. One of ScreenZen’s key features is its ability to block access to time-consuming apps like social media or games during specific times of the day, allowing users to focus on work, study, or personal activities without being constantly interrupted by notifications or the temptation to scroll endlessly. Users can create customized screen time goals and receive notifications when they approach their daily or weekly limits, encouraging more conscious use of technology.

What sets ScreenZen apart is its seamless integration with mindfulness practices. The app includes prompts that encourage users to reflect on how they feel when using certain apps, helping them to identify unhealthy habits and make intentional changes to their digital behavior. It also offers tools to reduce phone usage during specific activities, such as bedtime or family time, promoting better sleep and deeper connections with loved ones. For those who struggle with smartphone addiction, ScreenZen’s “forced break” feature can lock apps for a designated period, providing a necessary pause from digital overconsumption. Additionally, the app provides detailed reports and insights on usage trends, enabling users to monitor their progress and adjust their goals accordingly. 

ScreenZen on the App Store

ScreenZen on Google Play

Also Read: The Best Parental Control Apps for Android


Price: $3.99 / In-App Purchases: Up to $21.99

Last in our list of the best apps to control screen time is Forest, a unique app designed to help users stay focused and productive by encouraging them to disconnect from their devices in a fun and engaging way. Unlike traditional screen time control apps that simply block access to certain apps or set limits, Forest introduces a gamified approach to staying off your phone. The core idea revolves around planting virtual trees—whenever you set a focus session, a tree is planted, and it continues to grow as long as you stay off your phone. However, if you exit the app to check notifications or engage with other distractions, the tree withers and dies, adding a playful but powerful motivation to stay focused on tasks.

What makes Forest stand out is its ability to turn productivity into a rewarding experience. Over time, users can cultivate an entire virtual forest, representing their accumulated focus sessions. Forest’s unique reward system allows users to unlock new tree species and themes, giving them a sense of accomplishment for maintaining their concentration. Furthermore, for those who care about the environment, Forest partners with real-world tree-planting organizations. As users accumulate virtual coins from staying focused, they can use these coins to plant real trees, blending productivity with environmental impact.

The app’s features go beyond just time management; it also helps users set specific goals and track their progress. With detailed statistics, Forest allows you to view your focus history, see which days you were most productive, and even compare your sessions across different tasks or projects. The app integrates seamlessly with both iOS and Android devices and can sync across multiple platforms, including browser extensions, making it ideal for work, study, or personal use. Forest also offers a collaborative mode, where friends or teams can plant trees together, encouraging group productivity and accountability. 

Forest on the App Store

Forest on Google Play

Also Read: The Best Productivity Apps

Also Read: The Best iPad Productivity Apps

Written by Sophie Blake


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