A recent survey conducted by Pew Research Center in March revealed that 60% of Twitter users in the United States took a break from the Elon Musk-owned platform in the past year.
However, as the survey covers the twelve-month period while it has been around only six months since Elon Musk acquired the company for $44 billion, TechCrunch notes that the data doesn’t necessarily attribute the cause to the billionaire and the controversial changes he has made since the acquisition, such as launching the Twitter Blue plan for the blue verification badge and laying off more than half of the company’s workforce.
Also Read: Twitter Revenue and Usage Statistics
In a blog post, Pew Research Center said that ‘’some groups are more likely than others to say they have taken a break from the platform, with especially pronounced differences by gender, race and ethnicity.’’
‘’Among current and recent Twitter users, women are more likely than men to say they have taken a break from the platform in the past year (69% vs. 54%),’’ the firm said. ‘’And Black users (67%) are more likely than their White (60%) or Hispanic (54%) counterparts to say the same.’’

The research firm also asked participants who currently use or recently used Twitter how likely they are to be active on the platform a year from now. In total, 40% of respondents said that they are extremely/very likely, 35% said they are somewhat likely, and 25% stated they are not very or not at all likely to use it then.
The survey found that among current or recent Twitter users, women are more likely than men to express their unlikelihood of being active on the platform a year from now (30% vs. 20%), while men are more likely than women to use Twitter in the future (31% vs. 47%).
