Complete List of The Best Mobile Ad Sizes

Employers from almost all sectors use the power of advertising to promote and grow their businesses. Cause in today’s world, advertising is the best and the healthiest way to reach a target audience. Accordingly, the share and importance of mobile advertising in the market increase each passing day, and mobile ads have become more important than ever.

However, mobile advertising or mobile app advertising does not mean anything different from spam for users unless it is carried out in professional and user-oriented ways. If you’re in the mobile advertising industry, you should know that one of the most important ways to increase your mobile ad revenue is to provide users with professional and error-free advertising experiences. One of the important factors that determines the quality of your advertising experience is the size of your mobile ads. If your ad isn’t displayed correctly on the user’s mobile device, it means that you don’t offer a good experience.

In our blog post today, we will focus on the importance of mobile advertising / mobile app advertising, and the best mobile ad sizes of the most popular ad formats. Keep reading.

Why Mobile Advertising is a Must for Today’s Advertisers 

Digital advertising has changed the rules of the advertising industry since it was born. (If you’re wondering how it was born, here is a blog post for you) Compared to advertisements on TV and billboards, digital advertising provides the ability to reach target audiences in a direct way, helping advertisers saving ad costs and increasing their ad efficiency.

Apart from all of these, as we all have experienced in almost every field, mobile is a very important platform for advertisers. This is based on rigorous analysis by giant search engines such as Google, rather than an assumption. Google began to give so much importance to mobility with its updated search engine algorithm, it announced that it would no longer tolerate sites that are not mobile compatible.

To sum up, the most efficient and accurate way to reach a target audience is through interactive environments, and mobile devices are among the most efficient interactive environments. This is why mobile advertising has become a crucially important term for advertisers today.

As we mentioned above, if you want to reap the fruits of your mobile advertising / mobile app advertising efforts, you should carry out them focusing on user experience. If a user sees a half-blank black screen on his/her mobile screen instead of your ad, this will both irritate the user and waste your advertising revenue.

If you create your mobile ads according to the following sizes, you will provide your audience with a much better advertising experience.

Let’s have a look at the best mobile ad sizes of the most popular ad formats, for both mobile and tablet devices.

Best Mobile Ad Sizes in 2019

Banner Ads

How a Banner Ad Looks Like:

Best Mobile Banner Ads Sizes: 320*50 and 300*50

Best Tablet Banner Ads Sizes: 728*90 and 300*250

Interstitial Ads

How An Interstitial Ad Looks Like:

Best Mobile Interstitial Ads Sizes: 320*480 (the most popular one) and 480*320

Best Tablet Interstitial Ads Sizes: 1024*768

Video Ads

How a Mobile Video Ad Looks Like:

Best Mobile Video Ads Sizes: 320*480 and 480*320

Best Tablet Video Ads Sizes: 768*1024 and 1024*768

Rich Media Ads

How A Rich Media Ad Looks Like:

The Best Size For XXL Expandable Rich Media Ads: 320*50

The Best Size For XL Expandable Rich Media Ads: 300*50

The Best Size For Square Banner Rich Media Ads: 300*250

The Best Size For Full Screen Interstitial Ads: 320*480

Mobile Game Ads

How A Mobile Game Ad Looks Like:

The best sizes for mobile games are similar to the ones of interstitial ads and mobile video game ads. 

Native Ads

How A Mobile Native Ad Looks Like:

As you can understand from its name, mobile native ads appear among organic contents and look almost ‘’native’’. So, the best size for mobile native ads depends on the platform. 

You can visit our Mobile Marketing Blog to get to know about mobile marketing more and our Mobile Marketing News page to keep up with the most up-to-date news in the mobile marketing industry. Don’t forget to leave your comments on the comment section below. 🙂

Written by Maya Robertson


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