What is Keyword Density in ASO? How Can You Check Yours?

The popularity of mobile apps and the number of apps in major markets such as Google Play Store and the Apple Store are increasing proportionally. However, this increase makes it more difficult for app owners to increase their app rankings. But App Store Optimization, also known as ASO, offers an effective solution to this problem. If you have an app, ASO should be a top item on your checklist. And one of the most important sub-items of it is keyword density.

So, what is keyword density in ASO? How can you check yours?

Before we begin, let’s look at what App Store Optimization is to make everything more clear.

What is App Store Optimization (ASO)?

Have you ever heard of Search Engine Optimization? SEO is the optimization of websites to increase their visibilities and rankings in Google search result pages. We can say that ASO is the mobile version of SEO.

In short, App Store Optimization is the optimization of mobile apps aiming to increase their visibilities and rankings in app markets. Check out our Ultimate ASO Guide for more information.

We talked about what App Store Optimization is. So, what is keyword density in ASO?

Keywords Density in App Store Optimization

We can briefly summarize Keyword Density as the percentage of targeted words used in the app descriptions.

Just like in SEO, the importance of words is very important in ASO too. If you use a word less than necessary, especially when writing your app description for the Google Play Store, this may cause your ASO to be insufficient. But if you use more than necessary, this may cause Google to think that you do keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing is one of the killers of ASO. 

So, what is the ideal keyword density to get the best results?

What is The Perfect Density in App Store Optimization?

When we examine the descriptions of the most successful applications, we see that the targeted words are used maximum for 4-5 times. Please note that if you use more than 5 words, Google may mark your application as spam. Also, note that you should not target more than 10 words.

How is Keyword Density Calculated in ASO?

It is very easy to calculate keyword densities of app descriptions. Some online tools allow you to complete this task in a very simple way.

AppTweak’s Keyword Density Checker & Counter is one of these free tools.

For example, you can see the number of words used in Instagram’s app description and their densities above. You can easily calculate your keyword density by pasting your own app description.

In this article, we talked about what keyword density is in ASO, the ideal density ratio and how you can calculate it. Don’t forget to visit our website for more blog posts and leave a comment below!

Written by Maya Robertson


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