Popular messaging app Telegram’s monthly subscription service Telegram Premium now has more than 1 million paying users, CEO Pavel Durov announced on Tuesday.
‘’While it still represents just a fraction of Telegram’s overall revenue, Telegram Premium is growing steadily every day, and one day may even rival our ads,’’ Durov wrote in his public channel. (See the full post below)
The company, which has more than 700 million users worldwide, first announced the tier on June 11 and launched it just 9 days after. It costs between $4 – $6 varying from country to country, and offers users various benefits such as the ability to upload files of up to $4 GB, exclusive stickers, faster downloads, and more.
Meanwhile, users who sign up through the company’s website instead of its mobile apps pay $1 less as it’s not subject to Apple and Google’s app store fees in that case.
Also Read: Telegram removes ability to offer paid posts in iOS app due to Apple’s rules
CEO Durov said that the company will use Telegram Premium’s revenue to pay for its servers, traffic and wages so that it can continue creating new features and improve the current ones.
‘’While some other apps consider their users a tool to maximize revenue, we consider revenue a tool to maximize value for our users,’’ he added.
Below you can find the full post where he announced the new milestone.