There are many app promotion techniques you can use to promote your mobile app and acquire new users. Using the Viral Loop concept is one of the most economical ways of doing it. You do not advertise in this concept, but users who download your mobile app do it for you.
Viral Loop, which is among the viral promotion methods, paves the way for app owners to acquire more mobile users in a much easier way. So how does this happen? What are the steps? Keep reading to find out!
What is a Viral Loop?
In fact, e-mail service providers and social networks have been successfully using the viral loop for years. The main idea in this technique is that a user encourages his/her friends to be able to use an app/product or access premium services, awards etc.

For example, the social networking platform Pinterest used to use an invitation method for memberships. Accordingly, those who wanted to become a new member could do it using the invitations of Pinterest users. The popularity of Pinterest increased rapidly thanks to this method.
Now that we talked about what it is, let’s talk about the steps of a viral loop.
What Are The Steps Of A Viral Loop?
I assume that you’ve heard of Candy Crush before, right? This game also uses a viral loop strategy for user acquisition.
For example, you can ask your friends for help to earn more lives in this game.
To do this, they also need to start playing the game.
If they like the game, they will probably ask their friends for help to earn more lives.
And their friends will probably join the game too.
This is a good example of using the viral loop strategy for app promotion and user acquisition.
There are no standard steps to follow when building a Viral Loop strategy. You can ask your new users to share a tweet, a post on their Facebook profile, or to notify their social community via email.
Now it is time for you to create your own viral loop strategy, acquire new users and promote your app in a very easy way! Don’t forget to check out our website for more blog posts like this.