Google has added new chart position icons that will allow users to track the rising and falling apps within category leaderboards in the Play Store. Users will be able to see which apps are trending up and which are headed down in terms of downloads with these position icons on the Top Charts tab in search.

Google does not elaborate when apps started to take the trend, how frequently download rates are tracked, and how far up or far down an app or game may have moved in the app store rankings.
These icons seem to help app developers and industry watchers quickly gain insight into download trends.
When we take a brief look at it, we’re seeing that the number of downloads of Among Us, which reached 500 million monthly active users as of December, has decreased.
We are also seeing at the moment that the downloads of WhatsApp, which has been on the agenda with the changes it has made with its privacy policy for the last two weeks, have decreased, and alternative instant messaging apps like Signal are on the rise.
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