Digital media dominates: U.S. adults spend nearly two-thirds of their media time online

As the landscape of media consumption continues to evolve, digital platforms are rapidly becoming the primary choice for U.S. adults. By 2024, digital media is projected to account for nearly two-thirds (63.7%) of the total time that U.S. adults spend with media each day, according to eMarketer’s forecast. This shift underscores the growing dominance of digital channels over traditional media, which has been steadily declining in consumer engagement.

In 2024, U.S. adults are expected to spend an average of 12 hours and 37 minutes (12:37) per day consuming media. Of this time, digital media will take the lion’s share, highlighting its significant role in everyday life. Mobile devices, in particular, are at the forefront of this digital revolution. With an anticipated 4 hours (4:00) per day spent on mobile devices, they have become the most popular access point for media consumption. This trend is indicative of the convenience and accessibility that mobile platforms offer, allowing users to engage with content anytime and anywhere.

While traditional television still holds a significant place in media consumption, the rise of connected TV (CTV) is notable. In 2024, time spent with CTV is expected to grow by 8.3%, reaching 2 hours and 15 minutes (2:15) per day. Despite this growth, CTV remains behind traditional TV, with the latter still commanding 2 hours and 55 minutes (2:55) of daily viewing time. However, the increasing adoption of CTV signals a shift towards more flexible and personalized viewing experiences, as consumers gravitate towards streaming services and on-demand content.

Video remains a dominant format in the media landscape, with U.S. adults projected to spend an average of 6 hours and 45 minutes (6:45) per day watching video content in 2024. Notably, more than half of this time will be devoted to digital video channels and formats, further illustrating the shift from traditional television to online platforms. This trend is driven by the proliferation of streaming services, social media platforms, and user-generated content, which offer diverse and engaging video experiences.

Written by Maya Robertson


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