Soft Launch

Soft launch of a mobile game is where game publishers test their apps in selected countries. It is a very common technique among game publishers before hard launch in order to have a chance to:

  • Acquire first users for a much less cost than hard launch 
  • Collect feedback from real users from selected countries
  • Find out and fix in-app bugs, performance issues, problems in user experience 
  • Test metadata (app icon, app screenshots, app preview video, etc.) and ad elements (ad creatives, CTA, etc.) to see and understand and interpret conversion. 
  • Understand the main metrics before global launch including CPI, Retention Rate, and more. 
  • Collect insights and cues about the global launch marketing strategy (deciding on the countries, optimizing mobile ad elements and bids, etc)
  • Test app monetization strategy to make improvements and optimizations
  • Decide if the game should be killed or hard launched


For a successful soft launch campaign:

  • Time period for the campaign should be pre-determined.
  • Metrics mobile marketers and app developers want to test should be tracked carefully.
  • Country and the game category need to be determined.
  • Target audience should be worked closely. 
  • Ad creatives and CTAs should be created and tested frequently.

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